Mmh but you bleed like everyone here可你像这里的每个人一样鲜血淋漓 Silly way to appraise ideas in the name of fake ideals以虚假理想之名来评价思想的愚蠢方式 Ooh has your brain caught up to you know你是否已经心力交瘁你知道 Woo ooh ooh ooh You're blowing my mind你让我意乱情迷 Don...
the weight doesn't give, nor does the ground. The force needs to be absorbed by either the bone or the muscles of the foot. This can cause the bone to break and/or the muscle fibers to tear and bleed.
Around 5% of people can experience a bleed in the middle of their cycle, which is around the time of ovulation (19). Bloating: sometimes people feel bloated before and during ovulation (15), however, bloating can also occur during other times of your menstrual cycle. Positive mood: ...
When force is applied to the head, bridging veins that cross through the subdural space (sub=beneath +dura= one of the meninges that line the brain) can tear and bleed. The resultant blood clotincreases pressure on the brain tissue. Subdural hematomas can occur at the site of trauma or m...
Feeling dizzy or shaky can be a sign of low blood sugar orhypoglycemia. Because yourbrainneeds glucose to function, a drop in blood sugar can be dangerous -- even life-threatening -- if you don't address it. A glass of fruit juice can bring up your blood sugar in the short term. Bu...
While crystal meth is cheap and delivers a powerful high, it’s also very addictive, dangerous and ultimately deadly for many people.This drug affects the central nervous system, and that’s part of why it’s so addictive. If use is continued over a long period of time, the brain begins...
Psoriasisis a condition in which skin cells build up too quickly. This causes patches of red, thickened skin that is usually covered by silvery, flaky scales called plaques. Other common symptoms include:19 Skin that's itchy, dry, cracked, and may bleed ...
Myeloma is a cancer of the plasma cells of the blood. Symptoms include early osteoporosis, hypercalcemia, hyperviscosity of the blood, low red and white blood cell counts, low platelet count, cryoglobulinemia, and amyloidosis. Tests to diagnose multiple
Presented by Curaleaf Hemp 10 Expert-Backed Ways to Treat Sore Muscles How to Clear Phlegm From Your Throat How Many Steps a Day Help You Lose Weight? Is Berberine Really ‘Nature’s Ozempic’? The Best Time of Day to Take Creatine ...
dizziness, symptoms ofshockmelena (black stool) Lower GI Bleed (Diverticulitis) Hematemesis, bright redblood in stool,abdominal pain/cramps,dizziness Pancreatitis Pain in the upper belly that may radiate to the back, Tenderness when touching the belly, Fever, rapid pulse, upset stomach, and ...