Though you won’t really know you’re pregnant until you see those two pink lines on a pregnancy test, your body has been hard at work from the moment conception occurred. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes, and it all starts with implantation. Implantation is the process of the...
The early changes that signify pregnancy become present in the first trimester. A missed period may be the first sign that fertilization and implantation have occurred, ovulation has ceased, and you are pregnant. Other changes will also occur. First Trimester: Physical and Emotional Changes a Woman...
It is at times a contagious disease, yet its incubating period has not been clearly defined. We may refer to latent tuberculosis, active tuberculosis and all the various local types of tuberculosis, yet there undoubtedly was a period before tuberculous implantation occurred when the system was ...
A woman can be considered pregnant only after the implantation takes place. Sometimes, due to various causes, the blastocyst does not survive and the pregnancy ends in miscarriage. The causes for miscarriage are various and include problems with fetus chromosomes, hormonal problems, age, stress, ...
Pregnancy is the implantation, growth and development of a fetus for a full term about 40 weeks which will result in childbirth. A typical pregnancy lasts nine months from the end of your last menstrual period. If you are wondering about "could I be pregnant?", there are some unique sympto...
Some experts believe that about half of all fertilized eggs die before implantation or are miscarried. Of known pregnancies (in which a woman misses a period or has a positive pregnancy test), about 10% to 20% end in miscarriage. What causes miscarriage? The majority of miscarriages are ...