If you find that the primary reason he contacts you is for a specific, often self-serving purpose, such as sex, it can indicate that he may be using you. So, if you have doubts such as “Is he using me for sex?” it might be possible. When the communication revolves solely around ...
You have been in a stable relationship for a while now, but there is still something bothering you deeply. You’re noticing signs he’s not over his ex, but you are not sure how seriously you should be taking them. Are these signs for real, or are you just overthinking? Well, have ...
Six For Sure Signs He's Just Not That Into You他没那么喜欢你的六种表现Hello, text messages with no reply, late night phone calls or the agonizing never-ending game of cat and mouse…短信不回,深夜电话,“猫和...
If he's making love with you, he will take the whole of you in an attempt to consume you with his sight alone. He will look at every detail of your body and worship you. Once you are connected, you will find yourself drowning in his eyes. ...
Have you ever met a guy who you really liked but all he ever did was play games? You probably have and if so, you’ll know how frustrating and even upsetting it can be. It’s not the best feeling to know that someone you actually enjoy spending time with is just using you, or si...
This brings us to the million-dollar question, “What are the signs he’s serious about you?” And how can you be sure that he isn’t just another guy looking to have fun and disappear into thin air when he feels like it? In this article, we will show you what to look out for ...
‘The Sims 2’ Was My Sexual Awakening 200 Truth or Dare Questions to Text Your Crush My Adventures in Alt-Right Dating 25 Extra-Hot Solo Sex Positions Pls Don’t Get Your Situationship a V-Day Gift This Is the Worst Day of the Year to Be Single ...
He’s more than willing to postpone plans with everyone just so that you and him can spend more time together, regardless of who or what. He never leaves you hanging, or even worse, decline the opportunity to hang out with you because you’re his priority. ...
Ever since you met him, you've been asking the question, why doesn't he try to get my number? It may look like he's just forgets to ask for your number, just in case he has to call, but it is highly likely that he is trying to send you to the friend zone. ...
Are you are worried that he is using you for sex and chasing time between the sheets? Don’t worry. We’ve all faced this question in our relationships. The truth is, how a man behaves in bed mirrors his overall respect and intentions toward you, so it’s extremely important to underst...