even when we know there is nothing left in that connection. With that being said, now that he is in a relationship with you, craving the old and comfortable isn’t a good enough reason for your partner to keep pining for his ex. His inability to snap that connection will get in the...
2. He Touches Your Hair Lots of girls love to have their hair touched and played with in an affectionate way, so if you find that he loves to run his hands through your hair and do sweet little gestures like putting an escaped strand back behind your ear, it means two things: one, ...
When you are spending time with your man and it is obvious that he is both able and willing to shut out the world around him, that is another good indication that he is falling in love.If he tends to get tunnel vision and ignores other stimuli in the environment, including his phone ...
Is he in love with me? Does he really love me? Being unsure of your partner's love is frustrating and worrying. I'm sorry that you have to go through that, but I completely understand. For a long time, I saw some signs that my husband loved me, but I still had a hard time tru...
They say that love is blind. And my trust in him made me blind to some of the more obvious signs of his infidelity. And looking back there were definitely clues. If you think he could be cheating on you with his ex, you need to watch out for the red flags that he’s a) having...
If he deserves you and your effort, he will make you a priority in his life, and not simply someone he calls when he is bored and has nothing better to do or no one else to spend time with at the moment. There is a lack of support from him. ...
If your wife is in love with someone else, she may accuse you of doing the thing she’s doing. As my fellow writer Frankie explains inher article: “Projection is a common defense mechanism of many people who have cheated. And people often become very paranoid and startaccusingtheir partner...
Have you ever asked your boyfriend why he even stays in touch with his ex-girlfriend? Does he say he values her as a friend or does he like her for the person she is? No, there are no excuses. If he thinks she’s so great, why on earth would he have broken up with her? Trut...
Mel's wives/girlfriends/love interests rarely make it past the opening credits. Yep, Mad Mel has lost his Mrs and is mean as hell. But this time its god he's p* ssed with. Can even Mad Mel mess with the messiah? Sure he can. ...
Now that you have decided that you want to be with your ex and still love him, it's time to find out whether he is feeling the same way but is still confused between what his heart is telling him and what his mind is telling him. I have listed 17 ways in which you can find...