hello iv had a chinchilla for 2 almost 3 years now i just found out i was allergic to it so we took it out of my room now its in are basment and its loseing a lot of hair and it looks really funny im trying to find a better home for it but no one wants it becouse its sick...
Of course, you're not going to bring your hamster with you when you dine. Or perhaps it's a marketing scheme, as most people will take a picture of this quirky sign and share it. At least, that's how we got a glimpse of this sign that is supposedly all the way ...
Williams agrees: “That’s right, we simply went down the route of pleasing ourselves, which is not as selfish as it sounds, as most of the music we love was made on that premise.” Anyone with only a minute to spare should listen to “Will You Look After My Hamster While I Go On...
Williams agrees: “That’s right, we simply went down the route of pleasing ourselves, which is not as selfish as it sounds, as most of the music we love was made on that premise.” Anyone with only a minute to spare should listen to “Will You Look After My Hamster While I Go On...