Thank you for commenting. I was sexually abused as a toddler and the effects are the same as yours. I'm 17 now and I feel enraged and terrified every day of my life. I feel like a scared bunny that's about to get it's intestines squeezed out by a giant hawk. The only time I ...
The Sagittarian cat is a lucky, happy, street smart cat similiar to the character Bugs Bunny who always comes out a winner when engaged in conflicts with personalities like Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd, Marvin the Martian, Rocky and Mugsy, Wile E. Coyote, Witch Hazel and Yosemite Sam. The Sagitt...
Causes Of Bunny Diarrhea It is vital to distinguish this situation from true diarrhea. In true diarrhea, there is a scarcity of any formed stool and the consistency of the fecal is watery. True diarrhea in a rabbit is an indication of an extreme and frequently deadly situation. It is common...
Meanwhile, the show lavishes time on Captain Archer and Commander Tucker, mostly so they can beracist against Vulcans. It’s unclear why the writers thought they needed a story about Archer’sdog getting sickor Tucker getting mystically impregnated by an alien,*but they could have used that ...
Bunny April 9th, 2020 I just got out of a toxic relationship with my boyfriend. I broke up with him because I told him I was questioning my gender (I know I’m trans but I said this to test the waters). I was very shocked by his transphobic response. He said things like, “You...
“regressed” and we put him back in diapers for a couple of months, while still taking him to the toilet regularly. He went through a phase where he was too busy to want to sit on the toilet, so we introduced giving him a healthy little treat, like a organic graham cracker bunny, ...
The other is back-ups. The other is devices with lower storage capacity can still have access to larger libraries by automatically swapping out content as it's needed. So effectively you could have a 16GB iPad and still access 50GB of music and content on demand. chaosbunny macrumors 6...