Adults who have been vaccinated against pertussis may have more mild symptoms of the disease, and so they may think they have a regular cold and not go to the doctor, Jordan-Villegas said. But adults who have undiagnosed whooping cough can then transmit the disease, often to children who ha...
Babies and small children often have more serious cases of whooping cough than teens and adults. But they may not have the telltale "whooping" cough or any cough at all. Symptoms ofwhooping coughin babies and young kids usually include: Struggling to breathe Turning blue Common cold symptoms ...
The cough reflex is gradually fixed in the respiratory center of the medulla oblongata (part of the brain), which leads to increased and more frequent fits of coughing. The incubation period (since infected till first symptoms appear) usually lasts from one up to two weeks. The disease begins...
This infection can affect children, adults and even infants. When a person is infected with the whooping cough infection, it may take between one to three weeks for you to experience any symptom of this ailment. The whooping cough symptoms are mild in the beginning and could appear like other...
11 WHOOPING COUGH OR PERTUSSIS Infectious disease of children. 12 Complications of WHOOPING COUGH 13 WHOOPING COUGH vaccination Influenza, SARS and Whooping Cough Signs and Symptoms with Diagnosis and Treatment An acute contagious respiratory infection marked by headache, prostration, fevers, muscle aches...
Thick, gray coating in the throat and nose. Croup Barking cough, hoarseness, and stridor (high-pitched breathing sound).Commonly affects children. Rubella Mild fever, rash starting on the face and spreading.Swollen lymph nodes. Pertussis (Whooping Cough) Severe coughing fits followed by a "...
Being a patient in an intensive care unit of a hospital, particularly if on ventilator support Malnutrition Cigarette smokingor electronic cigarette use (vaping) What are the symptoms of pneumonia? Symptoms and signs of pneumonia may be mild or severe and depend upon someone's overall state of ...
Parents of high school and middle school students were notified by the school district last week that three members of the boy’s wrestling program hadwhooping cough. There also are additional cases in the school district area, either confirmed or suspected based on symptoms and links to others ...
Many type 1 and type 2 diabetes symptoms in women are the same as those in men; however, there are some symptoms and complications of diabetes unique to women. Vaginal itching and pain as well as vaginal and oral yeast infections: An overgrowth of Candida albicans fungus can cause vaginal ...
Pre-eclampsiaA serious condition that can develop after 20 weeks, characterised by high blood pressure and protein in urine. Symptoms include: Severe headache Vision changes Pain below the ribs Swelling in the face, hands, or feet Seek medical help if you notice any of these symptoms. Risk fac...