The major causes of septic shock are severe bacterial infections. Risk factors include many underlying medical problems that may interfere with the immune system.Signs and symptoms of septic shock may include the following:Fever (usually >101 F or 38 C) Chills and/or rigors ...
Classic pain from a heart attack is described as chest pressure or tightness with radiationof the pain to the jaw and down the arm, accompanied by shortness of breath or sweating. But it is important to remember that heart problems may not always present as pain or with the classic symptom...
Internal bleedingmay be much more difficult to identify. It may not be evident for many hours after it begins, and symptoms may only occur when there is significant blood loss or if ablood clotis large enough to compress an organ and prevent it from functioning properly. Internal bleeding occ...
When dehydrated, you may feel thirsty, have adry mouth, and be fatigued. As dehydration progresses, the symptoms become more severe.1Being able to recognize the symptoms of dehydration is key so that you know if you or a loved one is in need of fluid. Design by Health Common Symptoms Whi...
Researchers at Iowa State University(ISU) and the National Institute on Media and the Family found that some gamers show at least six symptoms of gambling addiction such as lying to family and friends about how much they play games, using the games to escape their problems and becoming ...
There's no such thing as a typical heart attack but there are a handful of symptoms that most people experience. Chest pain (angina):The majority of both men and women describe chest pain during a heart attack,1although the terminology that they use varies and might include a sense offulln...
Symptoms of shock, like heart palpitations or agitation Anaphylaxis, the symptoms of which can include rash, vomiting, trouble breathing, and dizziness Most food allergy symptoms show up within 2 hours of eating and sometimes start within minutes. In rare cases, symptoms may begin after 4-6 hour...
Signs of severe dehydration include: Not peeing or having very dark yellow pee Verydry skin Feeling dizzy Rapid heartbeat Rapid breathing Sunken eyes Sleepiness, lack of energy, confusion, or irritability Fainting Symptoms for babies and young children can be different than for adults: ...
Symptoms of a heart attack or MI may include chest discomfort often described as apain, pressure, or tightness associated with shortness of breath, sweating, andnausea. The goal for medical care is to restore blood supply back to the heart as soon as possible -- that time is measured in ...
The cardiovascular system mainly consists of different organs, tissues and hormones which depend on each other and specialize differently. They work together by ensuring there is a smooth flow of blood in the body; they include: The heart Lungs blood vessels...