Many genetic illnesses are associated with the development of cataracts. These include myotonic dystrophy, galactosemia,homocystinuria, Wilson's disease, andDown syndrome, plus many others. Congenital infections with herpessimplex, rubella,toxoplasmosis,syphilis, and cytomegalic inclusion disease may also ...
This characteristic progression of jaundice in infants can sometimes allow your healthcare professional to estimate the bilirubin level based on the location and extent of jaundice, though this assessment can often be inaccurate. The signs and symptoms associated with neonatal jaundice may include the ...
which accumulates due to the breakdown ofred blood cellswhich have a shorter life-span (70 to 90 days) than adult red blood cells (120 days). This increase in red blood cell breakdown and decreased ability to metabolize bilirubin overwhelms the ...