Signs and Symptoms of Depression Not everyone experiences depression in the same way. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, here are some common signs:Most of the day or nearly every day you may feel one or all of the following:Sad Empty.Hopeless. Angry or frustrated even at...
The study describes symptoms and signs of depression in elderly (60 years or over) Finns. Lists of symptoms and signs assessed by the examining physicians in a population study were used in rating, and the symptoms and signs of persons diagnosed as depressed were compared to those of persons ...
Significant weight loss or decrease in appetite (not including weight loss from a diet plan: Not at all Sometimes Often Most of the time Change in sleep pattern: (Difficulty sleeping or sleeping more or less than usual) Not at all
Symptoms of Depression in Older People Depression is often missed in elderly people because symptoms–such as social withdrawal, memory loss, and cognitive impairment–are chalked up to aging or attributed to age-related illnesses, like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, or vascular disease. Sometimes thes...
Women with endometriosis are also at a higher risk for depression and struggles with intimacy. Diagnosis Determining whether your pain and other symptoms is caused by endometriosis or some other problem isn’t always easy. If you have multiple symptoms of endometriosis or symptoms and a family ...
Signs and Symptoms Physical Emotional Behavioral Top 10 Signs When to Seek Help Causes of Depression Hormonal Causes Other Causes Depression Treatments Depression is more than simply feeling sad. There are several signs and symptoms that can help doctors diagnose an individual with depression. In order...
Suicidal ideation:Frequent thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, or suicide attempts. These symptoms can vary in intensity and may not all be present in every individual with depression. If you or someone you know is experiencing these signs, it is important to seek help from a healthcare profe...
A general feeling of fatigue A feeling of sadness that wouldn’t leave Signs and Symptoms of Clinical Depression Losing interest in everything Although there are many Signs and Symptoms of Clinical Depression, a loss of interest in life and pleasurable activities could be the first tell-tale sig...
Depression in women is common. It’s more than “just being sad” or “feeling down.” Depression is a mood disorder that can be difficult to navigate on your own. Untreated depression can have very severe symptoms and negatively affect just about everything in your life — from how you ...
If you have been experiencing depression symptoms for most of the day, every day, for more than two weeks, or your feeling are affecting a number of aspects of your life such as your relationships, work, hobbies and interests and your overall sense of well-being, you should seek professiona...