Maybe you’ve seen this type – they put Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc. under “languages you know” onFacebook(or put on an Chinese/Asian tramp stamp) even though they really only know how to order pho.Should you encounter these loquacious ladies, gentlemen, I propose an a...
Creating a sign that not only talks about what kind of food you serve but brings a chuckle as well is a winner in our book, and with the addition of some bubble tea and other Vietnamese food, this small restaurant seems like a winner. No Hipsters, No Hamsters If you...
Last time Campi Flegrei erupted (1538) the ash cloud reached Russia- which yesterday bombed a DIY store in Kharkiv. Bravo Putin. A 12 year old girl and her mother were among the dead. Four fragments of bodies to be identified. Oh well done, Mr Putin. The heroes of Stalingrad would be...
Even the most loving, trusting relationships sometimes go through periods of doubt. If you've found yourself worrying that your girlfriend is harboring feelings for someone else, looking for certain subtle hints in the things she does, the...