Child sexual abuse does not have to involve sex, penetration, or nudity. Any time an adult or older person touches or handles a child inappropriately, even if the child doesn't seem to notice or mind, is problematic. Hugging, "playing," rubbing, lap-sitting, and any other physical contact...
“As women reach puberty, they actually get more ADHD and then when they get pregnant, it improves,” Dr. Robbins tells us. “And then later when they’re going throughperimenopauseandmenopause, it gets worse again because the lack of estrogen will exacerbate it.” ...
" where the message is conveyed through words, body language, and tone of voice that you understand how your child feels but you're not changing course. If a childdoesn't want to go to daycare, say, 'I know, this is really hard. I know you really don't want to go, you're havin...
Daniel is a caring father.He loves his wife and children, providing the best he can for them. The only problem is that he flies into temper tantrums at the drop of a hat. He is deeply ashamed after screaming at his children and raging at his wife. He has a wounded inner child. A ...
32. “I first knew I was bisexual when I was 17. I was supposed to visit my friend at her house on the weekend and she called me to tell me who was going. She told me her twin sister was bringing her girlfriend, but I was a little surprised to know she had a girlfriend. I ...
This view often comes about during the teenage years. The asexual’s friends all start talking about boys or girls, but they don’t feel anything yet themselves. Puberty strikes different people at different times and in different ways, so at first, they’ll just think they’re not there ...
That said, let’s get into our 12 signs someone’s a transsexual. #1: Falsetto Voice Voice is the most universal signal you’re dealing with a transsexual. The only way for a guy to not have a masculine voice is if he began to take estrogen before puberty, and delayed puberty and had...
s a definition through negation, which isn’t useful if you’re not sure what’s being negated. It’s like saying “You’re unxonoxian if you’ve never seen a xonox.” How are you supposed to know if you’ve never seen a xonox, when you have absolutely no idea what a xonox is...
When they hit puberty, make sure that their razor blades are only used by them. Educate them on how to treat a wound if they are injured and to dispose of the bandage properly. Avoid donating blood or any other organs in any condition. Educating them about the risks and safety measures ...
But I was still under coercive control. My friends used to say that my sparkle had gone. And they were right. It took me a long time to get it back. What coercive control is not People who feel the need to control others, don’t have control over themselves. ...