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Nudges are generally viewed as low-cost, behaviorally-informed, choice-preserving solutions to various personal and societal issues. This means that nudges are generally easy to implement, are relatively effective, and allow people to make their own choices, which has led to theirwidespread adoptioni...
Using the 33rd and 66th percentiles as cut-offs, NF-kB2 expression in cancer cells was categorized into three groups (high vs. medium vs. low). For each tissue section, the more representative areas were selected using low-power fields (magnification 10x). Accurate quantification was ...
Influenza is associated with high morbidity and mortality, causing 10% of RTIs with frequent hospital admissions [7,8]. The influenza virus invades and damages epithelial cells of the nose, larynx, trachea and bronchi. The disease is a highly contagious RTI characterised by sudden onset. Typical...