It discusses the differences between imperial decrees released in preference of Tibetan rulers and hierarchs during the Ming dynasty and the Mongol-Yuan rule. It highlights several Ming decrees regarding the bestowment of titles upon Tibetan hierarchs and rulers.Schwieger...
Q万历十五年(增订纪念本)-(美)黄仁宇著,喜欢两点,一是英文标题(1587, a year of no significance: the ming dynasty in decline),“no significance”和“in decline”这两个相互矛盾的词儿,很有张力;二是逻辑布局,选了几个历史人物代表当时文官、武官、思想家的所思、所言与所行 ...
书名:《黄仁宇,万历十五年,英文版,1587,一个无关紧要之年,明帝国衰落》ISBN-10:0300028849 ISBN-13:9780274731930 在1587年,中国的猪年里,并没有发生特别重大的事件。然而,在这一看似平淡无奇的年份中,黄仁宇发现了中国长久以来无法适应变革的根本原因。通过生动描绘七位重要官员的生活,他构建...
1587, a year of no significance: The Ming dynasty in decline Includes index. Bibliography: p. 261-265. RL Taylor,R Huang - 《American Historical Review》 被引量: 135发表: 1981年 1587, a year of no significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline. By Ray Huang, pp. xiii, 278, 16 pl. ...
dynastymingdeclinesignificanceyear明朝 RayHuang 1587,AYearofNoSignificance:TheMingDynastyinDecline Category:Asia Publisher:YaleUniversityPress; 8.11.1982edition(September10, 1982) Language:English Pages:280 ISBN:978-0300028843 Size:16.53MB Format:PDF/ePub/Kindle Coverhasalittlewearbutbookisin goodcondition....
1587 A Year of No Significance The Ming Dynasty in Decline by Ray Huang - 5 Star Book Review 星级: 2 页 Ray Huang - 1587_ A Year of No Significance_ The Ming Dynasty in Decline (1982, Yale University Press) 星级: 309 页 the ming dynasty 星级: 6 页 the ming dynasty 星级:...
1587,AYearofNoSignificance:The MingDynastyinDeclinebyRay Huang 1587:AGreatPointOfViewWhichRevealsTheLogicInChina'sHistory Areviewerbelowhasalreadydoneanexcellentjobofsummarizingthe book,soIcanonlyhopethatmyreviewcanserveasacomplement. "1587"isessentiallyanexaminationofwhytheMingdynasty--aninstitution that...
真的是好奇心= = 分享5赞 墨冥_嗜殇吧 chensihanjay 1587:A Year of No Significance 分享2赞 中外文图书文献传递吧 文献检索小能手 1587,a year of no significance黄仁宇,万历十五年,英文版,1587, a year of no significance the Ming dynasty in decline by Huang, Ray 分享回复赞 文达教育吧 死了都...
resent the peak of China's seafaring expedition, more than eighty years before Western explorers Da Gama, Columbus and others. At that time, the Ming Dynasty was leading the West in the same period of time in terms of navigation technology, fleet size, distance, duration, and areas of ...
本书的英文名叫《1587, a Year of No Significance: The Ming Dynasty in Decline》,如果完整直译应为《1587,无关痛痒之年:明衰之兆》。中文翻译得如此低调含蓄,显然是深谙中文出版之道的。 本书的有趣之处在于,少讲税收国策,只从皇帝上朝,百官礼仪等细枝末节入手,初读让人不胜其烦,渐渐读出一身冷汗:原...