The literature of theBible,encompassingthe Old and New Testaments and various noncanonical works, has played a special role in the history andcultureof the Western world and has itself become the subject of intensive critical study. This field of scholarship, includingexegesis(critical interpretation)...
Greece and the Hellenistic world Analogousdualistic concepts may be found in the earlyGreekTheogonyofHesiodin his myths of the godsUranus,Cronus, andZeusand the conflict between primordial and later gods. It was in the later, Classical Greek world, however, that dualism was most evident. Many of...
Ch 10. Alexander & the Spread of Hellenistic... Ch 11. Rise of the Roman Republic Ch 12. The Roman Republic Becomes an... Ch 13. Roman Culture & Society Ch 14. The Development of Christianity Ch 15. Fall of the Roman Empire Ch 16. The Birth of the Muslim World Ch 17. Early Afr...
Also known as the Old Stone Age, this period was important because of the development of primitive stone and bone tools. Agriculture had not yet been... Learn more about this topic: Cave Paintings of the Paleolithic Age from Chapter 14/ Lesson 2 ...
Ch 10. Alexander & the Spread of Hellenistic... Ch 11. Rise of the Roman Republic Ch 12. The Roman Republic Becomes an... Ch 13. Roman Culture & Society Ch 14. The Development of Christianity Ch 15. Fall of the Roman Empire Ch 16. The Birth of the Muslim World Ch 17. Early Afr...
What Was the Battle of Chaeronea? The Battle of Chaeronea was one of the most important battles in the Hellenistic Age of the world. The town of Chaeronea fought the battle in Boeotia against invaders from Macedonia. It was the last major battle fought before the unification of all of ...
(seekalām;Muʿtazilah). In anironicshow of force, al-Maʾmūn engaged in an inquisition (themiḥnah) and persecuted those who would not conform. Theintellectualweaponry of the inquisition was supplied by the import of Hellenistic thought and the translation ofGreek philosophyinto Arabic, ...