Second, the effective implementation of RCEP will help enhance economic connectivity in the Asia-Pacific and usher in a new stage of regional integration. As the world's largest free trade agreement, the scheduled entry into force of RCEP will speed up negotiations on the China-Japan-ROK Free ...
The target population was managers of medium- and large-scale production companies in China. The identification of target companies was conducted by utilising the list of enterprises registered with the Chamber of Commerce, in collaboration with the Nantong Institute of Technology in China. Subsequently...
E-commerce’s convenience has led to the transformation of the online shopping mode, which is causing China’s current situation of impulse buying to become increasingly prevalent. Further, with the rise in advertising on online platforms such as social media (Munawaroh et al., 2022), it has ...
From a strategic perspective, Tamkanat Raza, E-commerce and Digital Marketing Manager, Electrolux, said: "We're moving into a hybrid environment, where brands need to start delivering experiences both online and offline. When it comes to bringing immersive experiences in the offline space, w...
E-commerce’s convenience has led to the transformation of the online shopping mode, which is causing China’s current situation of impulse buying to become increasingly prevalent. Further, with the rise in advertising on online platforms such as social media (Munawaroh et al., 2022), it has ...
The introduction of the digital renminbi (eCNY) by the People's Bank of China serves as a means for the central bank to effectively comprehend macroeconomic dynamics and enhance payment infrastructure within the domestic market. Among the pioneering digi
1SpeeduptheeffortsinbuildingChinaasastrongtrader Cross-borderE-commerce,beinganemergingformofglobalforeigntrade,features“noborder”and“globalization”.Forenterprises,theopen,multi-dimensionalstereoscopicandmultilateraltradecooperationmodearisingfromcross-bordere-commercesignificantlywidensthechannelforenteringinternational...
Financial MarketA specific platform designed for the process of buying and selling the marketable securities issued by the different corporations freely is known as the financial market. Here derivatives can also be traded at a very amount of transaction costs....
With the outbreak of World War I (1914–18), there was in Afghanistan widespread support of Ottoman Turkey against the British. However, the ruler of Afghanistan at the time, Ḥabībullāh Khan, was able to maintain a policy of noninvolvement throughout the war. When Ḥabībullāh was ...
in the South, tenants and would-be yeomen in the West—all had reasons to think that the spread of commerce and capitalism would bring not boundless opportunities but new forms of dependence. And in all sections of the country, some of the rising entrepreneurs of the market revolution ...