Common use of @Lob is to annotate a HashMap field inside your Entity to store some of the object properties which are not mapped into database columns. That way, all the unmapped values can be stored in the database in one column in their binary representation. Of course, the p...
The present FORTRAN code provides this p-value field on the ROC plane as well as the k-ellipses corresponding to the (p=)10%, 5% and 1% significance levels using as input the number of the positive (P) and negative (Q) cases to be predicted. Unusual features: In some machines, the ...
3) What is the impact of having the driver blocked? 4) What determines whether the driver is blocked? 5) How do you unblock the driver? These links I had seen but did not understand them: https://social...
Scraping is the process of having a bot interact with a website’s HTML code. The bot reads the HTML looking for certain specified types of information. When it finds that information, it copies and saves it to be printed into your designated file format. Before you can do any of ...
Code 535: Authentication Failed and Other SMTP AUTH Errors Both positive and negative responses to the AUTH command are possible from the SMTP server. Examples of positive response codes; 334: This code implies that the requested security measure is approved. 235: This code implies that the authe...
Python - List of permutations with repeated elements, 2 Answers. There's probably a neater way, but something like this completely untested code: def apply_mask (mask, perm): return [perm.pop () if m else -1 for m in mask] def permutations (iterable, r): if -1 not in iterable: ...