If the thickness of defect is increased (or) doubled [2], the dis- crete modes are pulled down and it thickness kept constant (or) increased we observe the following change, a defect pulls modes from upper bands to lower bands and push modes from lower band to the gap.Dr.Brijesh.N....
Membrane recruitment of the cargo-selective retromer subcomplex is catalysed by the small GTPase Rab7 and inhibited by the Rab-GAP TBC1D5. J. Cell Sci. 122, 2371–2382 (2009). Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Harterink, M. et al. SNX3-dependent retromer pathway mediates...
there is a recognized gap in our understanding of their effects on soil solutions. This study contributes to this area by underscoring the importance of investigating the relationship between NPs and soil solutions. The aim is to provide valuable insights into the environmental risks associated...
Caribbean, where most of the foundational work on fish–sponge interactions has been undertaken. An increased interest in the role of sponges within coral reef ecosystems has been documented of late. This research effort has been particularly prevalent in regions where sponges, along with other struc...
On the significance of self-similar fractal geometry in determining the multiband behavior of the Sierpinski gasket antenna The relationship between the Sierpinski gasket's self-similar fractal gap structure and its multiband behavior is considered. It is demonstrated that the m... Steven R. Best -...
However, intense competition for bioavailable phosphorus in the marine environment limits growth and productivity of ecologically important cyanobacteria. In oligotrophic oceans, marine Synechococcus strains, like WH8102, utilize high-affinity phosphate-binding proteins (PstS) to scavenge inorganic phosphate. ...
Improving the survival of patients with cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) has long proved challenging, although the treatment of this disease nowadays is on advancement. The historical invariability of survival outcomes and the limited number of agents known to be effective in the treatment of this disease has...
Relative protein expression = gray value of target protein band/gray value of β-actin band. TBC1D8 expression in CRC was first investigated using the Tumor Immune Estimation Resource (TIMER) web tool (https://cistrome.shinyapps.io/timer/) Cancer Cell Line Encyclopedia (CCLE) database (...
The effect of π-spacers arrangement and the effect of substitution of methoxy group on both donor and π-spacer were investigated. From DFT analysis, oscillator strength (f), band gap (Eg) and energy level values are calculated and they demonstrate the intermolecular charge transfer (ICT) and...
Prohibitin (PHB) was originally isolated and characterized as an anti-proliferative gene in rat liver. The evolutionarily conserved PHB gene encodes two human protein isoforms with molecular weights of ~33 kDa, PHB1 and PHB2. PHB1 and PHB2 belong to t