完形填空 A Fool’s Day falls on 1st of April.People 1 forget the significance(意义)of the day. In March 1980, I was 2 at Durham University with seven other Chinese students.I had 3 to go to another university after graduation and had 4 application(申请)forms to several 5 .Every mornin...
Gansu Province.This research was based on 18 species of ostracods that belong to 7 genera.Based on the age of the fossils and the rock assemblage, we revise the strata to Chijinpu Formation of Early Cretaceous instead of Shuletu Formation of Pliocene in previous research.two assemblages were ...
PROCEEDINGS OF THE SIXTH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NUMERICAL METHODS IN GEOMECHANICS, 11-15 APRIL 1988, INNSBRUCK,... The theoretical model of soil behaviour uses only 5 constant parameters which have a physical significance. It allows dilatancy along shearing process. The ... S Chaffois,P La...
Received Date: 03 April 2016 Revised Date: 12 August 2016 Publish Date: 25 May 2017 Abstract The discovery of the Liushutang lead-zinc deposit is one of the major breakthroughs of prospecting in the Nanling metal-logenic belt in recent years.The lead-zinc lodes are strictly controlled by...
Growth in online impulsive buying and digital advertising have drawn the attention of researchers in developed countries, but it is still in its early stages, especially in China. China is positioned to overtake the world as the nation with the highest v
OPEN Prognostic significance of kynurenine 3-monooxygenase and effects on proliferation, migration, and invasion of humanaccepted: 15April 2015RNA isolation and Real Time PCR. Total RNA was extracted using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen) and reversely transcribed using PrimeScriptTM RT Reagent Kit (...
This historic event marked the beginning of the Space Age. As a result of the USSR's success, the Americans poured enormous sums of money into their space travel program because as a superpower, the country was determined not to be left behind in the field of military development. Just a ...
From April 1972 to September 1977, 56 cases of esophageal varices, including 39 cases of cirrhosis of liver and 17 cases without cirrhosis of liver, had been experienced in our department with employment of the technique of transabdominal mucosal transection of esophagus.Before operation, various exa...
Publish Date: 25 April 2020 Abstract Geochemical characteristics of major elements from the column sample TS6 in the southern part of Southwest Taiwan Basin, together with the grain size and AMS14C dating data are studied for both the changes in depositional environment and climate of the area ...
Figure 2.Location of typical glaciokarst and outcrops 下载:全尺寸图片幻灯片 冰川岩溶分布区的干谷长1 km左右,谷底平缓,宽110 m,周围主要出露寒武纪白云岩与灰岩地层,出露标高为138 m(图2a)。河曲状岩溶槽位于一处长2 m、宽0.8 m的灰岩原始风化槽沟中(图2b),虽然面积不足2 m2,但由清晰的注水坑穴(...