the sun was streaming through the windows.Try not to wake the baby.wake toNancy woke to the sound of birds outside her window(=she heard birds singing when she woke).→wake up→wake up tosomething→ VerTabla de verbosEjemplos desde el Corpuswake•It wasimpossibletowakeanyone in the hous...
venturedout to see if there were anyflyingfish about.•Tinyvesselsfussedin herwakelikepilotfish aroundawhaleandaircraftroaredpast herportholes.•Ourtestson movingfish aroundin correctlydosedwater broughtimpressiveresults.•Ifished aroundin myhandbag, coming up with someloosechange.•Markfished around...
•Put someiceon yourkneebefore itswellsup.•I was a bigguyin those days and mylegsswelledup.•If it is physicallyrestrainedfromswellingwhen it wants toswell, veryconsiderablepressuresare built up.swell the ranks/numbers of something•But have theerstwhilelong staypatientsswelled the ranks of...
You asked me towakeyou up.•Irritableandmoody, sheshookherhairback andleanedback on herbracedhands andscowledat me.•The off-shift satscowlingon awall,countingtheir money.•Reedhas beenscowlingso long in his longcareerthat it seems anaturalreposefor him.scowl at•Nancyscowled atme from...
(=a complete change)A fundamental shift in attitudes was underway.a sudden shiftShe immediately picked up his sudden shifts of mood.a dramatic shift(=a big and sudden change)Increased spending on the armed forces marks a dramatic shift in priorities.a small/slight shiftThere has been only a ...
→ VerTabla de verbos Ejemplos desde el Corpus thrash•He's arestlesssleeper,kickingandthrashingabout throughout the night.•But thefishthrashedand broke free.•Wetiedballoonsandstreamersto thetents,wheelbarrowand Land Rover and watched them beingthrashedby thewind.•He wasthrashingfrom side to...
setback significado, definición, qué es setback: a problem that delays or prevents progre...: Conozca más.
(=the front part that you look at)I couldn’t see the clock face from where I was sitting.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + clockthe kitchen/sitting-room etc clockHarry glanced at the kitchen clock and saw that he was alarm clock(=that makes a noise to wake you up)He forgot to set his ...
(=one relating to an increase in the value of goods or services produced and sold)The official growth forecasts for the economy are economic forecastThe Bank of England revised its economic forecast in the wake of the figures.a detailed forecastA detailed forecast of the industry’...
•These days,nobodycaredwhathigh-gradepowderhe put up hisnose, whom he spent the night with.•JohnDenver wasadeptatmetalwork and couldearn£2: 7s.: 6d. for makingpowdercans.•In itswake,savoringpowder,perfume,lotionanddewfrom the love-making gone before.•Next, a longtaperinground ...