TEACHERSSCHOOL employeesMATHEMATICAL readinessThis paper is part of a wider study focused on divisibility. Participants were prospective elementary teachers. One of the aims of the research is to characterize the meanings of multiple shown by prospective teachers. In this paper,...
Ruiz Vega, JaimeCastillo Perilla, Myriam CeciliaSantiago Galvis, lvaro WilliamForma y Funcion
doi:10.1590/S0034-75902007000100014McCracken GrantRevista De Administrao De Empresas
Ruiz Solis et al "Ergometria positiva y SPECT de perfusion miocardica no r- mal. Significado clinico". Rev Esp Med Nucl. 2005;24:174-84. En: http://doyma.es/revistas/ctl_servlet?_f=7264&articuloid=13073788&revistaid= 125S.Ruiz Solís, M.Montero Gaspar, A.M.García Vicente, S....
IMPORTNCIA DOS ESTUDOS QUALITATIVOS NA COMPREENSO DO SIGNIFICADO DA PRTICA DE ATIVIDADE FSICA ENTRE IDOSOSdoi:10.22456/1982-8918.124048PHYSICAL activityHEALTH of older peopleMOTIVATION (Psychology)NEEDS assessmentQUALITATIVE researchThe aging of the population demands a closer...