Del Longman Business Dictionaryra‧tion‧ale/ˌræʃəˈnɑːl-ˈnæl/nounthe rationalethe set of reasons that a decision or belief isbasedonThe chairman began by explainingthe rationale behindthe company’s decision to expand its business in Asia. ...
[transitive]1to include all of a period of timeacareerwhichspannednearly 60 years2to include all of a particularspaceor areaThe Mongol Empire spanned much of Central Asia.3if a bridgespansan area of water, especially ariver, it goes from one side to the other→ VerTabla de verbosEjemplos...
1middle[only before noun, no comparative]in themiddleof an area or anobjectHe lives in central London.The roof is supported by a central column.Central America/Asia/Europe etc 2from one place[only before noun, no comparative]used about the part of anorganization, system etc which controls ...
Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishsteppe/step/noun[countable, uncountable](alsothe steppes[plural])a large area of land without trees, especially in Russia, Asia, andeasternEuropeEjemplos desde el Corpussteppe•Wheatdescendsfrom threegrassesthathybridizedon the Anatoliansteppes.•Gallopinghor...
Imágenes del día ¿Qué es esto? Dé clic en la imagen para verificar Palabra del díasourhaving a sharp acid taste, like the taste of alemonor a fruit that is not ready to be eaten Tabla de verbos yellow Forma simple Presente ...
•Untilrecently,commercialfishermenhad been allowed toshootsealions if they tried tostealtheircatch.•Thepriestwas aMissionaryBrotherofCharitywho hadrecentlyenteredthe Order.•JustrecentlyI've been thinking about changing my job.•therecentlyindustrialized countries ofSoutheastAsia•Thehospitalrecently...
she'dexpected.•Transferredfrom Barcelona to Naples, Maradonasigneda highlylucrativethree-year contract.•There is still anillegalbutlucrativetradeinivorybetween Africa and South-East Asia. lucrative business/market/contract etc•They hadreceivedsomeexcellent,lucrative contracts.•They were chuffed ...
OrigenflightOld Englishflyht Imágenes del día ¿Qué es esto? Dé clic en la imagen para verificar 我们重视您的隐私 我們及我們的788合作夥伴會在您的裝置上儲存和存取個人資料,例如瀏覽資料或唯一識別碼。選擇「接受」將啟用追蹤技術,以支持「我們及合作夥伴處理資料以提供」部分所載的之目的;而選擇「全部...