Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishfor1/fə;strongfɔː$fərstrongfɔːr/●●●S1W1preposition1used to say who isintendedto get or use something, or where something is intended to be usedI’ve got a present for you.Someone left a message for English course...
responsible for my sons turned me into anadultas had nothing else in the forty years before.•Since I left school, myparentshave started totreatme like anadult.•Anadulthas avastarrayof comparativelycomplexschematathatpermita great number of differentiations.•The cost of thetripis $59 for...
Here, the notion of virt霉 plays an essential role, since it involves the way in which MACHIAVELLI understands power and politics, being also the reason of the ambiguous interpretations towards the Florentine writer. Every ruler must be virtuous in a classic and in a machiavellian way. The ...
Ever since they succeeded in closing down the original Napster in 1999, the major music companies have struggled to deal with its successors - the peer-to-peer (P2P) networks. Yet, is this really the paradigm shift that many claim it to be? Is P2P directly responsible for the tumbling ...
Since listing, changes have come both in who lives in Spa Green and how they do so. For example, some long-established residents have transformed how they live in and talk about the estate since its change in status. Similarly, the special status of the estate has attracted new residents ...
Anuario de la Facultad de Ciencias Humanas Cortina, R. E. (8 de 10 de 2004). La hermeneutica del cuerpo, significante y significado en el hombre posmoderno. Anuario N6 Facultad de Ciencias Humanas UNLPam (87-100) . Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina....
The risk of malignancy of Bethesda categoryiiiin our patients was 42.9%-48.0%. We recommend thyroidectomy for all patients with of cytological Bethesda categoryiii.doi:10.1016/j.endonu.2015.06.007elsevierEndocrinologia Y Nutricion
Indeed, since the term demagogos explicitly denotes someone who leads or shepherds the demos, the eventual use of this word as the primary epithet for a political panderer represents a virtual reversal of its original meaning. The word demagogos in fact implies that the people need someone to ...
This famous and universally loved poem for daily living has inspired many generations of Buddhists and non-Buddhists since it was first composed in the 8th century by Shantideva. This new translation, made under the guidance of Gueshe Kels...
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