ex Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Temas relacionados:Familyex/eks/noun[countable usually singular]informalsomeone’sformerwife,husband,girlfriend, orboyfriendI bumped into my ex in town. Ejemplos desde el Corpus ex•As anexemployee, he'sloyalto thecompany, even though it made him...
TESAUROworkersomeone who does a particular type of job, or someone who works for an organization but is not a managera post-office workerThe workers are threatening to go on strike.The report shows that male manual workers earn twice as much as female workers.employeesomeone who has a job,...
His works are popular among connoisseurs.buff /bʌf/ informal someone who is very interested in a subject and knows a lot about ita wine buffJazz buffs will be familiar with the band’s first album.virtuoso /ˌvɜːtʃuˈəʊsəʊ $ ˌvɜːrtʃuˈoʊsoʊ...
Familia de palabras(noun)exhibitionexhibitorexhibit(verb)exhibit Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Temas relacionados:Arts ex‧hi‧bi‧tion/ˌeksəˈbɪʃən/●●●W2AWLnoun 1[countable]especially British Englisha show ofpaintings,photographs, or otherobjectsthat people can ...
prominent place/position•The cars werepaintedkhakiwith the redcrossin aprominent position.•The Phillips curve gets aprominent place, but so do its limitations.•This year Ibeddedout a few of these houseplantsin aprominent positionin thegarden.•Further, publicresponseto works inprominent posi...