(against somebody)She has begundivorce proceedings.John is takinglegal proceedingsagainst his ex-partner.3→the proceedingsColocaciones–Significado 2: when someone uses a court of law to deal with a legal caseverbstake/bring proceedingsYou may take proceedings to enforce payment.begin/start ...
reward2verb[transitive]to give someone something such as money because they have done something good or helpfula bonus system that rewards workers who meet targetsreward somebody with somethingThe best managers are rewarded with greater responsibility.→ VerTabla de verbos ...
→ VerTabla de verbos Ejemplos desde el Corpus fetch•Marthafetchedatowelfrom thebathroom.•It's a very old car, but I'm stillhopingit'llfetcharound £200.•Somehow he'd have to get up to thewoodtodaytofetchdown his Dad'sclippersandwire.•Truckdoan come tofetch, eh?•For amo...
Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishgag1/ɡæɡ/verb(gagged,gagging)1[intransitive]to beunabletoswallowand feel as if you are about to bring up food from yourstomachThe foul smell made her gag.gag onHe almost gagged on his first mouthful of food.2[transitive]to put a piece of...
a so-called expert (=someone who says they are an expert, but who you do not respect very much)There are many so-called experts willing to tell you how to bring up your children. verbsexperts say somethingExperts are saying that the economy is likely to improve towards the end of this...
Familia de palabras(noun)item(verb)itemize (noun)item(adjective)itemized(verb)itemize Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishi‧tem/ˈaɪtəm/●●●S3W2AWLnoun1[countable]asinglething, especially one thing in alist, group, or set of thingsHe opened the cardboard box and took ou...
5[intransitive, transitive]writtenifcoldweatheror thewindnips at part of your body or at aplant, ithurtsordamagesitnip atThe frost nipped at our fingers. →nipsomething ↔off → VerTabla de verbos Ejemplos desde el Corpus nip•Notethefareratenumberprintedon the part to benipped.•A scho...
know there were cultural shifts in the 1960s that significantly changed our society.verbsmark/represent a shiftThe idea represents a dramatic shift in health care policy.cause/bring about a shiftThe affair has brought about a shift in the government’s attitude towards immigration.Colocaciones–Sig...
3 draw up a chair to move a chair closer to someone or something 4 draw yourself up (to your full height) to stand up very straight because you are angry or determined about something He drew himself up and said, ‘This has gone far enough.’5 draw your knees up to bring your legs...
Familia de palabras(noun)turnupturnturning(adjective)upturned(verb)turnoverturn Del Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishup‧turn/ˈʌptɜːn$-tɜːrn/noun[countable]an increase in the level of something, especially in business activityOPPdownturnupturn inan upturn in the housing ma...