1:导入android studio project 时总会出现运行处一个红色叉号,这里可以点击选择叉号上面显示的Edit Configurations 查看右下角的错误警告信息。: 2:记录错误: the apk for your currently selected variant(app-release-unsigned.apk)is not signed.Please specity a signing configuration for this variant(release) 3...
android studio 快捷编译release版本时,报错the apk for your currently selected variant(app-release-unsigned.apk 今天用android studio3.0 来编译 release 配置的项目时报了以下错误: the apk for your currently selected variant(app-release-unsigned.apk)is not signed. Please specity a signing configuration f...
While runningionic cordova run android -- device --prod --releaseI get an error because native-run can't find the unsigned version of my apk. As you can see below my app is being built and signed afterwards. But native-run THEN tries to look for the unsigned apk in that same director...
1:导入android studio project 时总会出现运行处一个红色叉号,这里可以点击选择叉号上面显示的Edit Configurations 查看右下角的错误警告信息。: 2:记录错误: the apk for your currently selected variant(app-release-unsigned.apk)is not signed.Please specity a signing configuration for this variant(release) ...
1 Error: The apk for your currently selected variant cannot be signed. Please specify a signing configuration for this variant (release). 问题分析 在Android Studio左下角的Build Variants中Active Build Variant设置为release,但是又没有指定签名的配置信息,因此会有上面的错误提示信息。
the apk for your currently selected variant(app-release-unsigned.apk)is not signed. 解决方法 1.将buildvariant设置为release模式 2.打开AndroidStudio的ProjectStructure面板,右键单击左侧导航栏中的app,打开模块设置 3.选择Signing选项卡。添加一个签名配置设置你的key并填写好相应信息 ...
Reproduce $flutter create -t skeleton name Edit the android/app/gradle.build to match https://github.com/flutter/gallery/blob/426287b33df1b45168737779a6d0f23e73666be2/.github/workflows/release.yml $flutter build apk —release $apksigner v...
Jenkins Android gradle只能打包app-release-unsigned.apk 最近在通过jenkins自动打包安卓apk,但是测试打包的时候发现只能生成app-release-unsigned.apk,这个发到安卓手机因为缺少证书不能安装。解决办法是1.在app/build.gradle文件中增加signingConfigs字段applyplugin:'com.android.application'android{compileSdkVersion21buildTo...
Flutter - You need to use a different version code for your APK or Android App Bundle because you already have one with version code 1. 2019-12-05 14:11 −前两天提交了一个版本Google Play,结果今天收到拒绝的邮件,说App内购有问题。 于是把设置里面的支付宝和微信打赏功能关闭,又打了一个aab。