Include details on email signature like your full name, nursing credentials (RN, BSN, etc.), department or unit, and hospital or clinic logo. Consider adding links to resources like educational health articles, support group information, or appointment scheduling for a seamless patient experience. ...
Here is an example of the string i got and i put in the db: iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAWgAAABaCAYAAACVIMzHAAAZX0lEQVR4Xu1df5AdVZWeZCYOATYJMWKMupmsuAomkwSoFatQBi2oXcBFSiwXdmsZVpBa/AFYUoBlmURXEFeXZGuhxPxBUgUk1OKS1S1qV3crk1VK+AMy+SFRt9QHSiliYILBkJnJZL+vPed5X0/36x+vb79+752u6nrvdd8...
Cherokee 0.99.24, ubuntu 9.04 32-bit Please provide any additional information below. I have not yet reset the web server, feel free to access the ssl page here and see the error: Original issue: ...
sensors Article A Novel Certificateless Signature Scheme for Smart Objects in the Internet-of-Things Kuo-Hui Yeh 1, Chunhua Su 2,*, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo 3 and Wayne Chiu 1 1 Department of Information Management, National Dong Hwa University, Hualien 97401, Taiwan; ...