A Licensed Real Estate Broker and a Licensed Mortgage Broker, Laurie acquired her CDPE (Certified Distressed Property Expert) Designation as well as her (REOS) Real Estate Owned Specialist Designation in order to better navigate through the challenges of our current market. This training included in...
Results: Median CD73 expression was increased 10-fold in EGFR mt NSCLC cell lines (n = 5) compared to wt cell lines (n = 6). EGF induced CD73 protein levels 5-40-fold in 3/6 EGFR wt lines. There was dose-dependent inhibition of CD73 expression (45-70 fold maximum) following ...
All SectionsAutophagyCell and Gene TherapyCell MethodsCell MicroenvironmentCell Motility and AdhesionCell Nuclei: Function, Transport and ReceptorsCell Proliferation and DivisionCell SignalingCells of the Cardiovascular SystemCells of the Nervous SystemCellular AgingCellular BiophysicsCellular ImmunologyCellular Metab...
We thank the IPC Immunomonitoring platform and the IPC Tumor Bank (authorization number AC-2007-33), granted by the French Ministry of Research. Conflicts of Interest D.O. is a co-founder and shareholder of Imcheck Therapeutics and is currently a consultant to the company, which has no effec...