It Can Be Done: On Japan Becoming a Successful Signatory to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child AbductionI. INTRODUCTION"Desperate times call for desperate measures" could be the slogan for many...Reynolds, Megan J...
On 2 March 2022, the United States signed theConvention of 2 July 2019 on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters(the “Hague Judgments Convention” or the “Convention”).[1]The Hague Judgments Conven...
Intellectual Property, Electronic Commerce and the Preliminary Draft Hague Jurisdiction and Judgments Convention On October 30, 1999, a Special Commission of the Hague Conference on Private International Law adopted a Preliminary Draft Convention on Jurisdiction and F... RA Brand - 《Social Science Elec...
Application of the Hague Convention to American Litigants: Incorporating the Subsequent Interpretations of Signatory States into the Analysis of the U.S. JudiciaryLarynxLaryngeal growthSubglottic stenosisLaryngeal traumaConus elasticusChondroneogenesis29. Reed v. Wiser, 555 F.2d 1079,1088 (2d Cir. 1977...
Parental Child AbductionThe Hague ConventionThe Convention on the Rights of the ChildPreventive MeasureRemedyFamily LawInternational MarriageDivorceDO NOT BLAME NON-SINGATORY COUNTRIES: TAKE YOUR OWN PREVENTIVE MEASURES TO PROTECT CHILDREN FROM INTERNATIONAL ABDUCTION Hokon Stephen Yoo...
The Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction as applied to non-signatory nations: getting to square one.I. Introduction II. The Hague Convention in a Nutshell A. Provisions 1. Wrongful...Cardin, LaraHouston Journal of International LawHouston Journal of International ...