Signals and Systems 作者:Alan V. Oppenheim/Alan S. Willsky/with S. Hamid 出版社:Prentice Hall 出版年:1996-8-16 页数:957 定价:USD 221.80 装帧:Hardcover 丛书:Prentice-Hall signal processing series ISBN:9780138147570 豆瓣评分 9.2 72人评价
网络信号与系统;信号与系统模块库;讯号与系统 网络释义
《傅里叶对我说》:Signals and Systems from Scratch Signals and Systems 就是围绕 傅里叶变换 Fourier Transform (FT) 展开的一门课程,傅里叶变换是整个信号学的基础。 傅里叶正变换( Fourier Transform, FT):F(ω)=∫f(t)⋅e−jωtdt 傅里叶逆变换(Inverse Fourier Transform, IFT):f(t)=12π∫...
系统:有输入、有输出(input, output),输入的是某个信号,输出的是另外的信号 1 信号与系统 01 信号 信号的分类: 基于维度:一维,二维,三维,四维 一维信号:连续信号 x(t),t∈R 和离散信号 x[n],n∈Z 周期信号 为最小正周期x(t)=x(t+mT),m∈Z,T为最小正周期和非周期信号 奇信号 x(t)=−x(...
2. 讯号与系统 犹他州立大学开放课程... ... 随机流程( Stochastic Processes)讯号与系统(Signals and Systems) 声音学( Science of Sound) ... www.myoops.org|基于251个网页 3. 讯号处理分析 找到个下载资料的好地... ... Scientific Astronomer 太空工程Signals and Systems讯号处理分析Structural Mechanics...
Signals and Systems is an important fundamental course for electrical information specialties.───信号与系统是电气信息类专业重要的技术基础课程。 The time-invariance is a crucial property of systems in the course of Signals and Systems.───在“信号与系统”课程中,时不变性是系统的重要性质。 We ...
This book provides a comprehensive, modern approach to signals and systems, concentrating on those aspects that are most relevant for applications such as communication systems and signal processing. Emphasis is placed on building the reader's intuition and problem-solving ability, rather than formal ...
Mathematics of Control, Signals, and Systems (MCSS) is an international journal devoted to mathematical control and system theory. Focuses on the ...