G. Ercole: Sign-definiteness of q-eigenfunctions for a super-linear p-Laplacian eigenvalue problem. Arch. Math. 103, 189-195 (2014).G. Ercole: Sign-definiteness of q-eigenfunctions for a super-linear p-Laplacian eigenvalue problem. Arch. Math. 103, (2014) 189-195 ....
We formally generalize the sign-definiteness lemma to the case of complex-valued matrices and multiple norm-bounded uncertainties. This lemma has found many applications in the study of the stability of control systems, and in the design and optimization of robust transceivers in communications. We ...
equation of mixed parabolic-hyperbolic type of second and higher ordersmaximum principlefixed sign solutionWe study solutions of a polycaloric equation and an equation of mixed parabolichyperbolic type of the second order. We prove the sign-definiteness of the solution in dependence of the right-...
Sign-definiteness of solution to inhomogeneous higher-order equation of mixed parabolic-hyperbolic typeingentaconnectRUSSIAN MATHEMATICS C/C OF IZVESTIIA- VYSSHIE UCHEBNYE ZAVEDENIIA MATEMATIKASabitovK.B.
Sign-definiteness conditions for complex functions and the stability of the motion of non-linear systemsPARAMETER IDENTIFICATIONINVERSE PROBLEMGALERKIN APPROXIMATIONSMULTIPLE INPUTSMethods are developed for constructing sign-constant and sign-definite functions. Theorems are proved on the stability and ...
We study a question of sign-definiteness of a quadratic cost subject to the system of linear integral equations which has no Legendre term, i.e. is totally degenerate. Therefore, it cannot be studied by the clasical theory of quadratic forms. However, applying some generalizations of the known...
Use of the semidefinite relaxation in the problem of sign-definiteness of the quadratic form under quadratic constraints enables one to establish from the duality conditions an S -procedure. However, the S -procedure giving the necessary and sufficient conditions for signdefiniteness of the relaxed ...
The use of the second Lyapunov method in many problems in the theory of stability of motion leads to the problem of sign definiteness of a quadratic form whose variables are defined in a convex polyhedral cone C R n. A method of obtaining the necessary and sufficient conditions is given for...
indefinitenessreferencedefinitenessdiscoursespecificitysigning spaceBringing together the areas of sign language semantics-pragmatics interface and discourse reference, this article offers a description of how indefiniteness and (non)specificity is encoded in Catalan Sign Language (LSC). By using a combined ...
(2003). A particle of indefiniteness in American Sign Language. Linguistic Discovery, 2(1). Retrieved from http:// www.bu.edu/asllrp/publications.long.htmlConlin, Frances, Paul Hagstrom & Carol Neidle. 2003. A particle of indefiniteness in American Sign Language. Linguistic Discovery 2(1)....