Kaiser Family Foundation tracks states’ progress on enrolling those eligible for Marketplace health insurance. As of the beginning of March, Wisconsin had enrolled almost 15% of those eligible – right at the US average. But this still leaves over 400,000 people without insurance. It may be m...
Normally, such coverage -- available to former employees under a federal law known as Cobra -- is expensive, averaging about $600 a month for individuals and $2,000 a month for families, said Karen Pollitz, a senior fellow specializing in private health insurance at the nonprofit Kaiser Famil...
In this Oct. 24, 2016 file photo, the HealthCare.gov 2017 web site home page as seen in Washington. The government says about 9.2 million people signed up for coverage this year through HealthCare.gov, the health insurance website serving most states. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais, ...
The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that about 40 percent of those who enroll need to be young and healthy to balance the higher costs of insuring older, sicker people. With less than two months until the sign-up deadline, the Obama administration is lagging behind its goal. © 2014 The...
The pressure of rising fines is butting up against the economic situations of uninsured people, nearly half of whom said in a recent Kaiser poll that they've tried but coverage is still too expensive. A big sore point has to do with high deductibles for many health-law insurance plans, whi...
It's "the first official indication of how premiums are going up in plans that people are actually enrolled in," said Larry Levitt of the nonpartisan Kaiser Family Foundation. —About 200,000 people who could not clear up lingering questions about their immigration and citizenship status will so...