Maybe you've waved hello or given the peace symbol by holding up two fingers. If you've done any of these things, you've been using an informal version of sign language. Thumbs up is an informal way of using sign language.
If you decide to unleash your petty fury on a poor, unsuspecting roadside political sign and you're caught, you could face a fine up to $250. that's not exactly chump change. I also imagine if you were caught defacing multiple signs, that you could be fined for each one individually,...
the ASL Ralepmhaabrekt s1y.mTbhoislsa, lagnodritshtamndcainngbpeeuospelde,troeeqxutirrainctgthperesvigionuastluyrea opfraonpeyrosbejgecmtewnittahtivoenrtsitcaaglef.eatures, e.g., the ASL a5l.pChalbaestsisfyimcabtoilosn, aSnydsstteamnding people, requiring previously a proper segmentation st...
rHee1rbe,,cwtehecasnhasepee, oinf Fthigeusryem1bb,oclt'hSetop' is dsihfafepreenoft tfhoer sdyifmfebroeln'tSctoopu'nistrdieifsf.erent for different countries. FigFuigreur1e. 1T.rTafrfiacffiscigsingn(S(tSotpo)p;)(;a()a)FFaaddeeddssttooppssiiggnn uusseedd iinn MMaallaayyssiiaa,,...