The AARP Essential Rewards card earns 3% cash back on gas and drugstore purchases (excludingTargetandWalmart), 2% back on eligible medical expenses and 1% back on all other purchases. Additionally, Barclays will donate $10 to the AARP Foundation for every new account opened, plus a further do...
button foranexplanation. Beginbyprovidingyourfirst andlastnames.Ifyouarean AARPmember,it’simportant thatyoutypeyourname exactlyasitappearsonyour membershipcard,because youraccountlinkstoour membershipdatabase. The“username”isthename bywhichotherswillknow youintheOnlineCommunity, e.g.,“BeachLover88.”...
Sign up today to get a$40 bonus(sometimes it is $30) for new users who join through a referral link (link below, thank you ahead of time!). Furthermore, once your account is active, you and a referred friend can participate in their Refer-A-Friend program and earn an additional bonu...
In addition to the $5 autopay discount and multiline discounts,AARPmembers are eligible for an additional 5% discount on monthly plans.Additionally, seniors over the age of 50 are eligible for exclusive access to a single-line unlimited plan as well as discounts on mutliline unlimited plans. If...