Twitter, Google+, Goodreads, etc.) If you want to list books you would like to read, that’s great, but not necessary. The point is to let everyone know you’re committed to COYER Spring, maybe share some goals, and help spread the word. Not sure how to do your post?
Read them all between12am (your time) April 1st and 11:59pm (your time) April 31th. They MUST be marked (on Goodreads) as started and finished in the month of April to count. Enjoy bragging to everyone about how you’re all caught up on whatever series you read (AKA – have fun...
…which can be foundhereor via the top menu bar. You can certainly do the challenge without writing reviews, but the review links are your entries for the year-endgiveaway.Reviews don’t have to be long; a few sentences is fine. You can post them on Goodreads or LibraryThing if you d...
Enter the characters you see below Sorry, we just need to make sure you're not a robot. For best results, please make sure your browser is accepting cookies. Type the characters you see in this image: Try different image Continue shopping ...
To sign up, announce your participation with a blog post (or if you don’t have a blog post on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Booklikes, Goodreads, Shelfari, etc.) Then link that post (not just your blog homepage) to the linky below. This is like what we did for the last two COYER...
You must create a sign-up post anytime between now and August 1st – on blog, goodreads, fb, google+, etc.Yes, that means you can sign up until August 1st! But don’t wait, you’ll miss most of the fun! You must link to the sign-up post below (don’t link to your blog, ...