The "Sign Of The Horns" emoji (🤘), also referred to as the "Rock Hand", "Devil Horns", is a symbol that captures the essence of ro
Unicode名称Sign of the Horns Unicode编号 HTML代码 CSS代码 飞机1 多文種補充平面 Unicode 块补充符号和象形文字 Unicode 子块手形符號 Unicode版本8.0 (2015) 表情符号版本1.0 (2015) 表情符号类别人与身体 表情符号子类别用手指偏手 Emoji NameSign Of The Horns ...
This is the medium-light skin tone variant of the sign of the horns emoji.🤘🏼 Sign Of The Horns: Medium-light Skin Tone is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 8.0 which was introduced in 2015, and was added to Emoji 1.0.Find many more Sign Of The Horns Medium Light Skin...
sign of the horns: medium-dark skin tone🤘🏾 This is the medium dark-skin tone variant of the sign of the horns emoji. 🤘🏾Sign Of The Horns: Medium-dark Skin Tone is a fully-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 8.0 which was introduced in 2015, and was added to Emoji 1.0. ...
角的符号(sign of the horns) 资源编号 : 42086180 格式: png,svg 文件体积 : 14k png版本 14k png版本 svg版本 收藏 评论 详情页 投诉 分享 可商用,署名 CC署名 爱给网提供海量的图标库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为png,svg 格式的角的符号(sign of the horns), 本站编号42086180, 该...
Today, we're cruising down the peaceful lanes of the emoji universe to get acquainted with the "☮" emoji, universally recognized as the peace symbol e
意思 Apple摇滚手势 GoogleN/A Twitter摇滚手势 Unicode摇滚 同义词号角、手、手指、摇滚、角、身体和金属礼 类别笑脸与人物| 手指部分 标签手的表情符号|党的表情符號 图像 emojiunicode意思多样的肤色 🤘1F918摇滚🤘🏻🤘🏼🤘🏽🤘🏾🤘🏿 ...
There’s no reason to be sheepish when it comes to learning aboutAriesbecause we have a great definition ofAriesandan in-depth look at the sign ofAries. Taurus | the Bull 2024 Dates:Begins April 19 and ends May 19. Symbol: The circle with horns symbol ofTaurusis said to represent the...
BORING!-[horns version]-[very boring/so boring/don't feel like doing that] BORING-[single-roll-version] BORN BORN BORN DEAF-SCHOOL RAISED-[grow-up]-[got-older] BORROW [loan] Borrow From Him/Her BORROW TRUCK FINE UNDERSTAND fs-BACK GAS FULL. Boss fire worker why? BOSS FIRE WORKER, WH...
They might not say much around you out of nerves but it won't take you long to figure out what's up when they literally look like the human incarnation of the eyes emoji. Nickelodeon Sagittarius: Sags are masters of disguise. Seriously, you will never be able to tell if they like you...