sight 的短语: sign of the cross 1. [表示祝福或祈祷]画十字 sign of the times 1. 时代的标志(尤指不受欢迎或讨厌的事物) 偷窃是这个时代的标志。 the theft was a sign of the times. signed, sealed, and delivered (或 signed and sealed 1. 正式签署生效 sign something away/over 1. (在契约...
:one of the 12 divisions of the zodiac 4 a(1) :a character (such as a flat or sharp) used in musical notation (2) :segno b :a character (such as ÷) indicating a mathematical operation also:one of two characters + and − that form part of the symbol of a number and characteri...
A personal narrative is presented which explores the author's experience of witnessing how the seizure of a teenage cerebral palsied patient was controlled by tracing the symbol of the cross on the patient's left hemi-thorax and his chest which activated a vagus nerve stimulator that had been ...
signofthecross 1.[表示祝福或祈祷]画十字 signofthetimes 1.时代的标志(尤指不受欢迎或讨厌的事物) 偷窃是这个时代的标志。 thetheftwasasignofthetimes. signed,sealed,anddelivered(或signedandsealed 1.正式签署生效 signsomethingaway/over 1.(在契约上)签字放弃(权利,财产) 我无意签字放弃继承权。 Ihave...
A. shape B. symbol C. sign D. token 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 句子大意:Thepriestmadethe___ofthecrossoverhim.牧师在他身上画了十字架。A.shapen.形状;外形;样子;呈…形状的事物;模糊的影子;状况;情况;性质v.使成为…形状(或样子);塑造;决定…的形成;影响…的发展;准备(做某动作);摆好姿势第...
the trail of a wild animal a gesture or action used to convey information or an instruction an action or reaction that conveys something about someone a gesture used in a system of sign language. short for sign language a symbol or word used to represent an operation, instruction, concept, ...
Don't ignore the fogwarning signs. 不要忽视雾警标志。 2. 【释义】 SHOWS STH IS TRUE表明某事属实,[C]an event, fact etc that shows that something is happening or that something is true or exists 迹象,痕迹,征兆; 【例句】 A red morning sky is a sign of an impending storm. ...
英语sign的读音:英音为[saɪn],美音为[saɪn]。作为名词,sign最基本的含义是“标记”或“标识”。它可以指物理标志,如路标、指示牌或商标,也可以指抽象的标志,如某种符号、特征或征兆。例如,当我们说“The sign of the cross is a Christian symbol”时,我们指的是一个特定的...
The meaning of SIGN is a motion or gesture by which a thought is expressed or a command or wish made known. How to use sign in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Sign.