For example, ASL "TRAIN" requires you to take the U handshape with your dominant hand and rub two fingers against the two fingers of your weak hand (also in the U handshape) back and forth. The rubbing motion tends to go from the bottom of the area to the top of the area, or ...
For example, ASL "TRAIN" requires you to take the U handshape with your dominant hand and rub two fingers against the two fingers of your weak hand (also in the U handshape) back and forth. The rubbing motion tends to go from the bottom of the area to the top of the area, or ...
Pains in the chest are a warning sign of heart attacks. 在这些条目还发现'sign for': 在英文解释里: cross your fingers-door hanger WORD OF THE DAY wasp | brew GET THE DAILY EMAIL! 成为WordReference的支持者,浏览网站再也不受广告的打扰。
Search for touch target and you'll see lots of pictures of forefingers. However, in the real world, many people use their thumbs to interact with phones. Thumbs are bigger than forefingers, and control is less precise. All the more reason for adequately sized touch targets. Make text big ...
and body language. It is also hard to find researchers or enthusiasts fluent in sign language and willing to devote their time and efforts to such a project. Sign language is both spatial (involving the positioning and movement of hands, fingers, facial expressions, etc.) and temporal (the ...