Sign Language Translation Dataset.手语翻译数据集。 正如第2节所讨论的,目前没有适合支持SLT研究的合适数据集。由于标注的成本,现有的语言学数据集对于深度学习来说太小了。 在这项工作中,我们介绍了“RWTH-PHOENIX-Weather 2014T”这个大词汇量的连续SLT语料库。PHOENIX14T是PHOENIX14语料库的扩展,PHOENIX14近年来...
This work introduces a new Colombian sign language translation dataset (CoL-SLTD), that focuses on motion and structural information, and could be a significant resource to determine the contribution of several language components. Additionally, an encoder-decoder deep strategy is herein introduced to...
The system takes video input from the user and returns the translation of each sign in the English language back to the user. We train the system on American Sign Language(ASL) dataset having 29 classes and use Convolutional Neural Networks(CNN) as the central architecture. The system is ...
• A survey on the sign language machine translation task. • An extensive review on traditional and neural sign language translation systems. • Results from the literature for the RWTH-PHOENIX-2014T dataset are provided. • Sign language translation datasets are summarised. • Sign languag...
论文链接:Gloss-free Sign Language Translation: Improving from Visual-Language Pretraining 代码链接:GitHub - zhoubenjia/GFSLT-VLP 图1. gloss-based 和 gloss-free SLT方法的示意图 一、导言 现有的SLT方法大多会直接或间接使用gloss,相比端到端的gloss-free方法,这种gloss-based方法虽然具有更好的翻译能力,但...
a sign-to-gloss dataset, and pretrain the gloss-to-text translation network on the general domain of a multilingual corpus and the within-domain of a gloss-to-text corpus. The joint model is fine-tuned with an additional module named the visual-language mapper...
Sign language, with its unique blend of gestures, expressions, and body movements, has its own phonetics, vocabulary, and grammar that differ from spoken language. To accommodate these complexities, Alibaba Cloud compiled a Chinese sign language translation ...
This repo contains OpenASL dataset proposed in paper:Open-Domain Sign Language Translation Learned from Online Video If you use OpenASL data in your research, please use the following BibTeX entry for citation. @inproceedings{shi2022open,author={Bowen Shi and Diane Brentari and Greg Shakhnarovich...
Effortless Real-Time Sign Language Translation androidioswebpwasign-languagesign-language-recognitionsign-language-translation UpdatedJun 29, 2024 TypeScript Turkey Ankara Ayrancı Anadolu High School's Sign Language Digits Dataset sign-languagedataset ...
Sign Language Production (SLP), the translation from spoken to sign language, has been historically tackled using animated avatars [9, 26, 36] with rules-based co-articulation that does not generalise to unseen sequences [49]. Initial deep learning-based...