Letting go of the need for “precise” language, and the need to translate every signed sentence into an English one in my mind, was possible only after I embraced ASL’s emotionality. This was easier said than done, tho...
Sign language是指用手势、面部表情以及身体语言等方式来表达意思的语言。这种语言一般被聋人和听障人士使用,因为他们无法听到和说出语言。这种语言形式非常生动形象,有效地传达了信息。事实上,全球有超过七百万聋人口,这些人大多数会至少使用一种手语。尽管手语在不同的国家和地区有所不同,但手语可以被...
sign language n.手语 American Sign Language 美语手语 american sign language phr. 美国聋哑人手势语 sign on 开始广播;签到,签订受雇合同 sign In 签到;签收 at the sign of 当有...迹象时 sign for 签收 to sign on 开播 sign in 签到;注册;登记;签收 in the language of 用…语言,用...
我们觉得body language和sign language这两个名词短语的意思是有区别的。body language的中文意思是:肢体语言;身体语言。它的含义、用法比sign language 的要广泛多了啊。它是指人们借助人体各个部位的各种动作、表情或者是眼神等来把自己所要表达的意思、意志、情感等方面的意义,比较形象生动而有趣地传...
sign language的意思是:手语。释义:(n.)手势语。音标:美[ˈsaɪn ˌlæŋɡwɪdʒ]。例句:1、Sign language interpreters represent a vital link between the deaf and hearing communities.手语翻译是聋哑人和听力健全人士之间的重要沟通纽带。2、He is ...
sign language的意思是手语。词义 n.(聋哑人或使用不同语言的人交流时使用的)手语,手势语。例:Her son used sign language to tell her what happened.她儿子用手语告诉她发生了什么事。英语解释:手势语:a system of communicating with people who cannot hear, by using hand movements rather ...
Koko is the first gorilla to have been taught sign language. 科科是学习手势语的第一只大猩猩. 期刊摘选 Learning sign language to help people with disabilities. 学习手语,帮助残疾人. 期刊摘选 Sign language has also been called glorified gestures. 手语也被看作是“崇尚姿势的”. 期刊摘选 There, Wa...
“Sign” 所表示的 “标志” 通常是静止不动的,用来给他人提供信息。比如,典型的 “signs” 有:“road signs(路标)”;“neon signs(霓虹灯标牌)”;“wooden signs(木制告示牌)” 等等。除此之外,名词 “sign” 也有 “手势” 的意...
a你好,要些什么东西啊 You are good, want any thing [translate] abreakfast is the most important meal of a day 早餐是一天的最重要的膳食 [translate] aSign language, facial expression, body language... Can help our communication 手势语,表情,肢体语言… 可帮助我们的通信 [translate] ...
Sign LanguageSign language is a language where one can express oneself withcombinations of hand shapes, palm orientations (手掌方向), movements ofthe hands, arms, and body, and through facial expressions. It is a manual (用手的) form of communication, and because it does not require the ...