The meaning of AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE is a sign language that is used especially for communication by and with deaf people and is the formal sign language of the United States and English-speaking Canada and also serves as the basis for various sign lang
British Sign Language (BSL) is the name of the sign language which is used in the United Kingdom. It is the first language of approximately 150,000 Deaf people in the British Isles. Thousands more who are not Deaf (such as employers of Deaf peop ...
communicate something by signals:She signed to the waiter for the check. Linguisticsto convey or signal (a message) in a sign language:[no object]She signed frantically to him but he wasn't looking at her.[~+object]She signed the words for "water'' and "glass'' to ask for a glass ...
The meaning of SIGN ON is to engage oneself by or as if by a signature. How to use sign on in a sentence.
Sign language. Sign language uses specific motor responses, including movements of the fingers, hands, arms, and/or body, to communicate. A major advantage of sign language is that no devices or systems are needed for the learner to communicate. This often means that communication can occur mor...
sign language ( def 1 ). Usually signs. traces, such as footprints or scat, of a wild animal. Mathematics. a plus sign or minus sign used as a symbol for indicating addition or subtraction. a plus sign or minus sign used as a symbol for indicating the positive or negative value of ...
Children Creating Language: How Nicaraguan Sign Language Acquired a Spatial Grammar It has long been postulated that language is not purely learned, but arises from an interaction between environmental exposure and innate abilities. The in...
8. To express (a word or thought, for example) in a sign language: signed her reply to the question. 9. To consecrate with the sign of the cross. v.intr. 1. To make a sign or signs; signal. 2. To communicate in a sign language. 3. To write one's signature.Phrasal Verbs: ...
SLIPA: An IPA for Signed LanguagesThis page is devoted to Sign Language IPA (SLIPA), developed by me. This page discusses the reason such a system is needed, other types of transcription systems that exist, and also what the system is, how it can be used, and problems the system doesn...
sign language(def1). Usuallysigns.traces, such as footprints orscat,of a wild animal. Mathematics. aplus signorminus signused as a symbol for indicating addition or subtraction. a plus sign or minus sign used as a symbol for indicating the positive or negative value of a quantity, as an ...