Later the account icon on the left shows a 1; clicking on it asked me again if I wanted to let VSCode access github; I said yes and got Konqueror again. There was no message about it being unsupported. I signed in again, and this led to a blank screen (in the browser). When I ...
If I try the "Sign in" from the GitHub Pull Requests and Issues extensions, I get the dialog asking me to allow access, then the same GitHub Personal Access Token box as above (showing up in the same top middle area as the Command Palette). Entering the token and pressing enter brings...
【VS Code】安装LeetCode : 正文 1.安装的Node.js因为LeetCode插件依赖Node.js,Node.js官方下载网址: 注意:必须将Node.js安装目录添加到环境变量,现在的安装版本默认就是添加的,如果没有 ...
Once you've set up a user variable, you won't have to do this again. After setting the user variable, open Visual Studio from the Developer Command Prompt: devenv. Sign in again.How to opt out of using a specific Microsoft Entra tenant in Visual Studio...
A Microsoft personal account like A Microsoft-backed work or school account like Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) A GitHub account.Visual Studio uses your personalization account by default. If you're already logged in to Visual Studio, you can skip this step. Otherwise, sign in ...
Once you've set up a user variable, you won't have to do this again. After setting the user variable, open Visual Studio from the Developer Command Prompt: devenv. Sign in again.How to opt out of using a specific Microsoft Entra tenant in Visual Studio...
Add SSO using Visual Studio Code You can perform the following steps to add SSO using Teams Toolkit in Visual Studio Code: OpenVisual Studio Code. SelectTeams Toolkitfrom the Visual Studio Code activity bar. SelectView How-to Guidesin theDEVELOPMENTsection. ...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: master 克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支2 标签186 贡献代码 同步代码 Kenji Urushima11.1.0 release58bb24112个月前 ...
ASP.NET Core的身份认证框架IdentityServer4(9)-使用OpenID Connect添加用户认证
On our backend app, we have code: andAPPLE_CLIENT_IDis set to (which matches the services identifier above ...