使用以下命令为 .exe 文件签名: Windows 命令提示符复制 signtool sign /sha1 CertificateHash Setup.exe signtool sign /f CertFileName Setup.exe 例如,若要为安装程序签名,请使用下列命令之一: Windows 命令提示符复制 signtool sign /sha1 CCB... Setup.exe signtool sign /f CertFileName Setup.exe...
You gain the following benefits by signing in to Visual Studio:Grants access to a broad range of benefits from the Visual Studio Dev Essentials program, including free software, training, support, and more. See Visual Studio Dev Essentials for more information. Synchronizes your Visual Studio ...
When you launch Visual Studio for Mac for the first time, you're prompted to sign in using a Microsoft account. Use a Microsoft account that is connected to the license that you wish to use. If you don't have a Microsoft account, see How do I sign up for an account....
SignTool Error: No certificates were found 在使用Visual Studio 2017时遇到项目生成失败的问题,出现错误:签名时出错: 未能对 bin\Debug\app.publish[项目名称].exe 签名。SignTool Error: No certificates were found that met all the given criteri 一、简单粗暴的解决办法 这里先说下最简单的方法,只要取消掉...
SqlMetal.exe(代码生成工具) Storeadm.exe(独立存储工具) Tlbexp.exe(类型库导出程序) Tlbimp.exe(类型库导入程序) Winmdexp.exe(Windows 运行时元数据导出工具) Winmdexp.exe 错误消息 Winres.exe(Windows 窗体资源编辑器) 其他API 新增和改进的内容
I’ll describe below the two “first launch” experiences you will see: the real first, on your first Visual Studio 2013 device, where you establish a profile and associated settings, and a first use on subsequent devices. The first time you sign in on your first Visual Studio 2013 device...
原因:未安装签名工具SignTool.exe 解决方法 : 方法一:重新安装VS2015的ClickOnce程序 1、控制面板=》找到“Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2015”,点击修改 2、按提示选择,选择 “ClickOnce”发布工具 方法二:修改项目文件的签名 右击项目文件的属性,选择签名,然后把红框内去掉,保存即可。
Visual Studio 和 Windows SDK 命令提示 生成、部署和配置工具 (.NET Framework) 调试工具 (.NET Framework) 安全工具 (.NET Framework) 安全工具 (.NET Framework) Caspol.exe(代码访问安全策略工具) Cert2spc.exe(软件发行者证书测试工具) Certmgr.exe(证书管理器工具) ...
Namespace: VSLangProj80 Assembly: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop.dll Package: Microsoft.VisualStudio.Interop v17.12.40391 This member provides internal-only access to project properties. For more information, see Accessing Project Type Specific Project, Project Item, and Configuration Properties. C++/...
The steps to sign in to your Visual Studio subscription depend on the kind of account you're using. For example, you might be using a Microsoft Account (MSA) or an email address supplied by your employer or school. As of January 2019, you can now also use your GitHub account to...