Freudian Psychoanalysis? Penis Envy? Repression? Ego? Feminism? Anal Stage? Superego? Transference? Unconscious? Freudian Selfie? This thought-provoking and playful film “Freud: More Alive Than Dead” proposes an end to the 100 years' "Freud Wars'' with
Sigmund Freud and Psychoanalysis Freud was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of psychoanalysis, who created an entirely new approach to the understanding of the human personality. He is regarded as one of the most influential - and controversial - minds of the 20th century. Sigmund Freud...
In his work Der Witz und seine Beziehung zum Unbewu脽ten (Jokes and their Relation to the Unconscious), Sigmund Freud pays attention mostly to the context of the material, coming to the conclusion that every narrative influences the human soul differently. In the latter, the ...
精神分析学派(PsyChoAnAlysis)于19世纪后期产生于欧洲,其创始人是奥地利精神病医生弗洛伊德(SigmunD FreuD,1856~1939)。这一理论主要源于弗洛伊德治疗精神病的实践,重视对人类异常行为的分析,强调心理学应该研究无意识现象。弗洛伊德认为,要用精神分析的方法来寻找病人疾病的根源,通过病人的自由联想,对其谈话做出分析,找出其疾...
Sigmund Freud 弗洛伊德的psychoanalysis也是我曾经熟悉的内容。大学时上课度过他的梦的解析,从梦境来分析人的潜意识。弗洛伊德解梦老往sexual desire上扯,梦里的突出的东西代表着male genital,凹进去的就是female genital。大学时的一篇学期论文就是按弗洛伊德的理论解析自己的梦境(好像是我梦到古天乐了)。虽然我也很努力...
SigmundFreud was a well-known psychologist(心理学家)who was born in Austria in 1856. He is famous because he came up withpsychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis is a certain way ofhelpinga patient with a troubled mind. Freud believedthatpeoplehavemany thoughts and ideas deep inside,butthey are taught to...
Sigmund Freud was born in 1856 in Austria, but lived mainly in Vienna. The founder of Psychoanalysis school of thought earned his medical degree in 1881 and became a neurologist. Upon completing his graduation, he started his private practice and treated his patients having psychological problems....
《关于“野生”精神分析》(CHAPTER XI. Concerning “Wild” Psychoanalysis) 本文讨论了所谓的“野生”精神分析——即未经严格训练和理解的精神分析实践——可能带来的问题。作者通过一个案例来说明这一点:一位中年妇女因为焦虑症状寻求帮助,她的焦虑据称是由于离婚引起的。然而,另一位医生告诉她,她的焦虑是因为性需...