SigmaXL从一开始就被设计为一种经济高效、功能强大但易于使用的工具,使用户能够测量、分析、改进和控制他们的服务、交易和制造流程。作为已经熟悉的Microsoft Excel的插件,SigmaXL非常适合Lean Six Sigma培训或在大学统计课程中使用。版本9添加了时间序列预测和高级控制图。 制造商 SigmaXL 国外 主要功能 数据统计与分...
Excel Skill Builders The ability to work quickly and effectively in Excel is a differentiator that can elevate your performance to another level. Your team will appreciate it and your career will likely be rewarded in the long run. Click here to review several options that are specifically ...
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control Simulate, Optimize, Realize
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control Simulate, Optimize, Realize
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control Simulate, Optimize, Realize
1. In Excel, select your data 1. In Excel, select the chart you want. 2. Click on QI Macros Menu and select the desired chart or the Control Chart Wizard if you are not sure. 2. In the SigmaXL window, define the data range in your spreadsheet. ...
WhySigmaXL?•Powerful.•User-Friendly.•Cost-Effective.Pricedatjust$199thistool willpayforitselfonthefirstdayofuse!•Quantity,Educational,andTraining discountsareavailable.WhySigmaXL?•Measure,Analyze,andControlyourManufacturing,Service,orTransactionalProcess.•Anadd-intothealreadyfamiliarMicrosoftExcel,...
SigmaXL Demonstration(PPT 35页)_5410 SigmaXLDemonstration(PPT35页)WhySigmaXL?•Measure,Analyze,andControlyourManufacturing,Service,orTransactionalProcess.•Anadd-intothealreadyfamiliarMicrosoftExcel,makingitagreattoolforSixSigmatraining.UsedbyMotorolaUniversityandotherleadingproviders.•SigmaXLisrapidlybecoming...
Quantity, Educational, and Training discounts are available.Why SigmaXL? Measure, Analyze, and Control your Manufacturing, Service, or Transactional Process. An add-in to 2、the already familiar Microsoft Excel, making it a great tool for Six Sigma training. Used by Motorola University and ...
An add-in to 2、 the already familiar Microsoft Excel, making it a great tool for Six Sigma training. Used by Motorola University and other leading providers. SigmaXL is rapidly becoming the tool of choice for Quality and Business Professionals.,Data Manipulation,Category Subsetting Numerical Sub...