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Home | Alpha Sigma Phi Songbook (1962) | The Baker House Song Book (1962) | Dirty Jokes For Men Only (1962) | Folklore of the USMC (1962) | SCIIAES Censored Songbook (aka Be Pure) (1962) | Shitty Songs Of Sigma Chi (1962) | Songs of Roving and Raking (1962) | What's New ...
Sigma Pure1 ATS Bike Computer – Wireless – RRP €39.95 €23.95 3 Sigma BC 12.0 WL Radio Bike Computer RRP €64.95 €32.95 1 Sigma ROX 4.0 ENDURANCE GPS Bike Computer RRP €129.95 €79.95 1 Sigma BC 12.0 WR Bike Computer RRP €44.95 €23.95 BEST 11 Sigma Mount for...
Since C0(Q2) Borel ± are complex conjugate to each other, their difference 2iδC0 ≡ C0(Q2) Borel + − C0(Q2) Borel − is pure imaginary. The contribution of each renormalon to δC0 can be calculated in terms of the residue of the renormalon or the integral around the branch...
(MNL A T E Xstylefilev1.4) TheMg b –σRelationofEllipticalGalaxiesatz≈0.37 ⋆ BodoL.Ziegler †‡ andRalfBender Institutf¨urAstronomieundAstrophysikderLudwigs–Maximilian–Universit¨at,Universit¨atssternwarte,Scheinerstraße1, 81679M¨unchen,Germany AcceptedMay1997.ReceivedApril1997;in...
Radiochemistry Enantiomerically pure (S)-(−)-[18F]fluspidine and (R)-(+)-[18F]fluspidine were prepared on a TRACERlab FXN synthesizer (GE Healthcare, Waukesha, WI, USA) as described in previous publications [33]. The radiochemical purity of (R)-(+)- or (S)-(−)-[18F]flu...