中文别名:聚-D-赖氨酸 CAS No:27964-99-4 分子式:C12H9N3O 注意:Sigma现货|27964-99-4|P6407-10X5MG|聚-D-赖氨酸 氢溴酸盐,Poly-D-lysine hydrobromide mol wt 70,000-150,000, lyophilized powder, γ-irradiated, BioReagent, suitable for cell culture,现货供应,订购可优惠,请联系客服获取优惠价格。
英文名称:Poly-D-lysine hydrobromide CAS No:27964-99-4 分子式:C12H9N3O 注意:Sigma现货|27964-99-4|P6407-10X5MG|聚-D-赖氨酸 氢溴酸盐,Poly-D-lysine hydrobromide,mol wt 70,000-150,000, lyophilized powder, γ-irradiated, BioReagent, suitable for cell culture,现货供应,订购可优惠,请联系客服...
Poly-D-lysineisapositivelychargedaminoacid polymer.ThereisapproximatelyoneHBrperlysine residue.TheHBrallowsthepoly-D-lysinetobea crystallinesolidandsolubleinwater.Toremovethe HBr,dissolvetheproductinaneutralbufferanddialyze toremovethesalts.Amethodformolecularweight ...
After absorption to the culture surface, poly-D-lysine increases the number of positively charged cell binding sites. Caution 无菌溶液可在2-8℃条件下稳定保存2年。脱水保存在-20°C条件下。 Preparation Note 分子量基于粘度。 无参数 相关商品 杭州雷琪实验器材有限公司-贝雷猫平台 请登录1 ...
89510 Poly(ethylene glycol) 8000 聚乙二醇 1KG-F 1218 P6407 Poly-D-lysine 多聚-D-赖氨酸氢溴酸盐 5mg 653 P0899 Poly-D-lysine 多聚-D-赖氨酸氢溴酸盐 100mg 1809 P3850 Polygalacturonic 多聚果胶酸钠 5g 579 P9582 Polyinosinic–polycytidylic 双链聚肌胞钾盐 5mg 1097 P8920 poly-L-lysine 多聚...
354596PLATE POLY D LYSINE LAMININ 96 WELL RO5Biocoat 关键词:美国Sigma乙醇脱氢酶9031-72-5ADH新闻快讯 公司同类产品 异柠檬酸脱氢酶 来源于sigma CAS#9028-48-2*新闻快讯 异柠檬酸脱氢酶 来源于sigma CAS#9028-48-2*新闻快讯用于生化研究。NAD+-依赖型异柠檬酸脱氢酶是一个核编码线粒体酶,参与三羧酸循...
Sigma-Aldrich A-003-M 聚-D-赖氨酸溶液,1.0 mg/mL 快速浏览 Sigma-Aldrich P6282 聚-L-赖氨酸 氢溴酸盐 快速浏览 Sigma-Aldrich LPLL001 Laminin/Poly-L-Lysine Coating Solution 快速浏览 Sigma-Aldrich P9155 聚-L-赖氨酸 氢溴酸盐 快速浏览 Sigma-Aldrich P0425 赖氨酸包被玻片 快速浏览 Sigma-Aldrich...
CLS3643 Corning® 384微孔板,低容积 poly-D-lysine coated surface, black polystyrene, round bottom, sterile, lid, pack of 10 HS23381B Arctic Squares® Cryostorage Box Holds 81 x 2 mL tubes, assorted colors polycarbonate, pk of 4 BR781364 BRAND® 96孔PCR板 semi-skirted, white, cut ...
The invention provides a preparation method of sigma-polylysine, comprising the steps of using Virginia streptomycete as an original strain, equivalently mixing spore suspension with diethyl sulphate with a concentration of 5%, respectively oscillating the mixture for different time at 200r/min, ...
354455DISH POLY D LYSINE LAMININ 100MM RO10Biocoat2894 热门标签:美国sigma木聚糖酶Xylanase9025-57-4新闻快讯 相关产品 电议 异柠檬酸脱氢酶 来源于sigma CAS#9028-48-2*新闻快讯 型号: 电议 漆酶 来源于sigma CAS#80498-15-3*新闻快讯 型号: