Know that your personal desires do affect people and you need to be aware of that. I really dont care when you say ¨oh but im horny¨ Thats NOT an excuse to post inappropriate things. I also want to shut down .lavender and .blueberry for the sake of society. Sincerely, Eclipse ...
Sigma Male Test - Discover your alignment with the Sigma male archetype in this revealing quiz, and uncover the percentage of Sigma traits within your personality.
Everything just seems to fall into place for alpha males, and that's because of theiralpha male mindset.Know how to be attractive, successful, and fire on all cylinders. In Conclusion Being asigma malehas nothing to do with how other people see you but how you see yourself. Carry yours...
As far as could tell, the audio was added to the SpongeBob clip rather than it actually being something that aired during the animated show. What Does 'What The Sigma Mean?' While the phrase has been turned into a silly meme, there is some actual meaning behind it when...
Male feminists are traitors and cuckolds Imagine engaging in the war against masculinity as a male, you must really hate yourself and every other male on this earth. Of course, a man who says shit like: "Women Are better than men" is just doing virtue signaling and trying to gain "good...