To advance the tutorial 512 complete loops of the modulator, click theNext 512 Loopsbutton. Example Let VIN=1.0V, VREF=2.5V. The outputs from the comparator will be: 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1. This means 6 of the 8 outputs have been a 1; i.e. output is 75% of fullscale....
The analog side of a sigma-delta converter (a 1-bit ADC) is very simple. The digital side, which is what makes the sigma-delta ADC inexpensive to produce, is more complex. It performs filtering and decimation. To understand how it works, you must become familiar with the concepts of ove... 这条道...
之前在介绍 Σ-Δ ADC(称为 Sigma-Delta 或 Delta-Sigma ADC,顺序混用) 的时候,提到过 Noise Shaping(噪声整形)的概念,有网友表示希望展开讲讲。 我检索了一番,在 TI《How Delta-Sigma ADCs Work》 与 ADI 《Sigma-Delta ADCs Tutorial》经典系列中确实有提及,讲的很专业,但也许过于“专业”,以至于让一些朋...
4.Pipeline型 这种类型的ADC,结合了Flash型和SAR型,先用分压电阻比较法,快速判断输入电压落入的范围,然后用逐次逼近法在此范围内取得精确的转换结果。此类型ADC很少在单片机中采用。 参考资料: ADI: The Data Conversion Handbook ADI: Sigma-Delta ADC Tutorial... 设置输入电压比如0V, 1bit D/A电压幅度1V。点击start over回到初始状态 点击Next Step进入下一步,先计算偏差,输入为0,默认DA输出0,如下红色的偏差0, ...
Sigma Delta原理动画演示链接: Sigma Delta型单片机可以达到很高的分辨率,但转换速度慢很多。比较典型的如24-Bit,输出速率几十到几百HZ。集成此类ADC的单片机一般用于计量,仪表等。如TI的MSP430AFE253。 这条道路上,其实还有很多内容,比如多级级联SDM(MASH)、多位量化、CIFB, CIFF, CRFB, CRFF等延申,限于篇幅,这里咱就不再一一赘述了。 这个话题,其实Roy也是一知半解,上周与一位同事交谈下来,意识到,自己对这块的...
4.Pipeline型 这种类型的ADC,结合了Flash型和SAR型,先用分压电阻比较法,快速判断输入电压落入的范围,然后用逐次逼近法在此范围内取得精确的转换结果。此类型ADC很少在单片机中采用。 参考资料: ADI: The Data Conversion Handbook ADI: Sigma-Delta ADC Tutorial...
Sigma Delta (S-D) analog to digital converters (ADC) are central building blocks in modern radio communication systems, and, when studying their performance, it is customary to carry out their analysis in the frequency domain. However, since the frequency-domain is global in nature, one has ...