andasecond—or— derSigmaDeltamodulatorisconstructedbasedoilVerilog—A.Simulationresultsdemonstratethevalidityofthesemodelsusing Verilog—A. Keywords:behavioralmodel;non—idealities;Vefilog—A;hierarchicaldesign O 引言 SigmaDelta调制器结合过采样和反馈网络技术, 具有独特的噪声整形效果,将量化噪声推挤到信号的 ...
介绍Verilog-A设计语 言的特点,基于Sigma Delta系统介绍分级设计思想.分析开关电容型Sigma Delta调制器的非理想特性,主要包括时钟抖动,开关热噪声,运放增益,摆率等.在建立各自噪声模型的基础上,基于Verilog-A对二阶Sigma Delta系统行为级完整建模,通过仿真结果的比对,验证Verilog-A建模,总结其可准确预测指标并在一定程度...
The proposed sigma-delta ADC real number model consists of a sigma-delta modulator, a digital filter and a decimator. The design and simulation of the proposed Sigma-Delta ADC model was accomplished using the Cadence Incisive Enterprise Simulator. Moreover, the proposed model is compared to a ...
过采样率为128ADC实际能够达到的指标为动态范围85dB 信噪比 88dBA总谐波失真为-74dB精度为16bitADC版图面积为800um700um 静态总功耗为100mW 关键词Sigma-DeltaADC过采样噪声成型共模反馈时钟电平 变换 上海交通大学硕士学位 论文 RESEARCHDESIGNANDREALIZATIONOF LOWVOLTAGEHIGHRESOLUTIONSECONDORDER SIGMA-DELTAADC ABSTRACT...
【摘要】Sigma-Delta ADC 精度高,是电能计量芯片的首选 ADC.文中设计了一个应用于电能计量芯片中∑-△ADC 的数字抽取滤波器,将∑-△调制器输出的串行比特流信号转换成多位并行输出.该抽取滤波器采样多级抽取结构,由级联积分梳状滤波器(Cascaded Integrator Comb,CIC),半带滤波器(Half Band Filter, HBF)以及 FIR...
We report a new architecture for a sigma-delta oversampling analog-to-digital converter (ADC) in which the first order modulator is realized using the floating gate MOSFETs at the input stage of an integrator and the comparator. The first order modulator is designed using an 8 MHz sampling cl...
Key words :sigma-delta modulator;spectrum analysis;chopper stabilization 0 引言 随着VLSI技术的高速发展,集成电路的速度已然不再是设计中的短板,以速度换取精度成为了转换器设计中的共识,过采样技术也成为了转换器中最为广泛采用的技术之一。Sigma-Delta ADC(Σ-Δ ADC)最早出现于1962年,是使用广泛的过采样ADC,...
一种Sigma-DeltaADC中抽取滤波器的研究 重庆大学硕士学位论文 ABSTRACT This thesis focuses on the study and design a digital decimation filter in the Sigma-Delta ADC which used in the high-end audio device. Because of the merits, such as high-linearity, high-resolution and easy integratoin with ...
delta ADC 中降采样数字滤波器的研 究与设计作者姓名:任雪一级学科:电子科学与技术二级学科:微电子学与固体电子学学位类别:工学硕士指导教师姓名、职称:杨银堂教授提交日期:2014 年 12 月 Design and Research of Digital Decimation Filter for Sigma-delta ADC A thesis submitted to XIDIAN UNIVERSITY in partial ...